We have a big dream, and we are confidently approaching it – to open a multifunctional center for people with special needs, who need not only rehabilitation, but also active inclusion into social life.
A private donor offered “Dreptul de a fi” a long-term lease of the building, in which after its renovation the founders are going to open a multifunctional center for people with disabilities of different classifications. And on February 20, “Gelibert” company offered help with the installation of windows and doors. The facade has been transformed, we have become a little closer to our dream and are very grateful for such a gift. Issues remaining to be resolved are heating, electricity, facade insulation and reparation of the walls.
It is planned that the center will be equipped to meet the special needs of children and young people with Down syndrome, hearing problems, cerebral palsy, deaf children, autists, and other health disorders. Our dream and one of the objectives is to create environment in which every special child could feel free and at the same time would be freely accepted by other children.
There are many more people with physical or mental disabilities in our society than most of us think. Social well-being and dignity of a person should not be reduced only because of disability. We are planning to open not only circles and leisure activities for young people in this center, but also professional consultations of psychologists, kinetotherapists, speech therapists; to introduce innovative methods of music therapy, kinethotherapy, dance-motor therapy. In order to attract children with hearing problems, it is planned to install a stage with a vibrating surface.
We would appreciate any sponsorship. With the financial support, we are ready to launch the center in September. If you are an individual, you can support our initiative by simply transferring 2% of the tax for the last year to our organization.