Special power of gratitude | NGO "Dreptul de a fi"

Special power of gratitude

The expression “Thank you” carries a special power. Expressing gratitude, people pass on to each other not only positive emotions, but also inspire to future achievements and offer a reciprocal attention. Psychologists recommend openly expressing such feelings, because the therapeutic effect has been scientifically proven: when we are grateful, we experience more joy, while anxiety decreases.

January 11 is World Thank You Day. Traditionally charity fairs and events are held on this day. Friends and wards of the public organization “Dreptul de a fi” (“The Right to Be”) decided to celebrate this day in their own way. They expressed their gratitude to the sponsors and assistants who have kept the smooth operation of the organization for 10 years, in a cute video that the children made themselves. Like passing a baton, the participants passed their “thank you” in more than 20 languages, including sign language, to be heard by everyone who offered them their attention and warmth.

We would like to thank our sponsors from the bottom of our hearts for their assistance, which has brought joy to so many people with disabilities and allow us to continue to work on their integration into social life, to expand their opportunities. Local companies:  Gelibert, Carnex, Baiur Agro, Euroauto chain stores, Knauf factory and others, make it possible for us through their support to improve the lives of our compatriots with disabilities. One of our regular sponsors is “Livets Rett” NGO from Norway.