Volunteers of “Dreptul de a fi” and children with disabilities celebrate Children's Day | NGO "Dreptul de a fi"

Volunteers of “Dreptul de a fi” and children with disabilities celebrate Children’s Day

“Dreptul de a fi” is a public organization that helps people with disabilities.  

This year, on the first of June volunteers and beneficiaries organized a three-day excursion with concerts, entertainment and gifts for 40 children with difficult diagnoses. “I feel that those whom we help need attention and support. After regular visits to them, I need much time for recovering and fall asleep with the thought of how else I can help them. Not just deliver a package of products and leave, but take them to “wheelchair dance” or at least out of their houses.

Often, people do not understand the importance of this case, because it is difficult to realize this, without feeling it on your own skin, to understand how difficult life is not only for sick children, but also for their parents and relatives, ”shared her thoughts Natalia Protiuc, the chairman of “Dreptul de a fi”.  If you want to become a volunteer of the public organization “Dreptul de a fi”, join the group “Dreptul de a fi” on Facebook or call the number indicated on the website – Natalia Protiuc.


Source: esp.md