“The most valuable thing is the reaction of children” | NGO "Dreptul de a fi"

“The most valuable thing is the reaction of children”

Natalia Protiuc has been the head of the non-governmental organization “Dreptul de a fi”. which deals with children with special needs, for more than 4 years, – How did the idea of ​​opening an NGO come about?

– We started working with blind and visually impaired persons. In 2002 in Balti there was such a non-governmental organization “Auras”. We were looking for coaches who prepared them for the championships and took them to swimming, athletics, football and other competitions in Tiraspol, Soroca, Bender, Chisinau, even in Italy. We organized sports events in Balti.    In 2007, while distributing humanitarian aid, we were told that there were children with disabilities, whose families needed it very much. We began to visit such families and decided that our special attention would be paid to those children.  And three years later, in October 2010, we registered the public organization “Dreptul de a fi”. We planned to act throughout the country to reach more children in need. We looked for and found partners, even in the south of the country, and as a result they began to deliver chairs for the bath, walkers of different types, swashes (children’s hip abduction orthosis for treating patients with cerebral palsy), wheelchairs and other special devices that made the daily life of children with limited opportunities more comfortable.

– What are the main activities of your NGO?

– We continue to distribute free devices that improve the quality of life of children with special needs. The second direction is education. For example, we are preparing to open a computer classroom with a voiced program for the blind and with a special big mouse for patients with cerebral palsy, so that children can master the Internet. There are technical tools necessary for blind children, those with Down syndrome, and for autistic kids, that will allow them to become active users of the computer.  The third direction is the financial support of needy families. For holidays, such as Christmas, Easter, etc., we distribute food packages and household chemicals. In winter, we find sponsors who help to purchase firewood, coal or briquettes for heating several “heavy” families during the three winter months.

– How have the services provided by your NGO changed in recent years?

– Last year, we organized for the first time the summer camp “Solnechny luchik” (“Sunbeam”). The idea was to engage these children in tourism. But we gave up that idea: some adults find it difficult to climb hills or pass through thick forest and for children in wheelchairs it was even more difficult. Therefore, a summer camp was opened in Balti, where an active rest for 40 children with accompanied persons was organized.  This year we have tried to prepare a diverse program: excursions to the dendrological park and Pommera’s estate in Taul, a visit to the water park, equestrian club, games and competitions in the camp. We didn’t want to abandon the tourist idea. Therefore, one of the contests will be connected with orientation: children will need to find a hidden “treasure” using the maps. We hope they will enjoy this kind of entertainment.  It’s worth emphasizing that our sister-in-law from Norway, Tanita Tomasen, also joined the organization of this event and allocated 20 thousand lei for children’s food and other needs.

What do you value most in your activity?

– The most valuable is the reaction of children. A couple of days ago, I felt very bad because of the worries and problems with organization of the camp, even called an ambulance. However we managed to solve all the issues, yesterday children with their parents and relatives began to arrive. Today at the opening (August, 3) they were so happy that all my worries have vanished.

– What do you think is the responsibility of a leader?

– The main thing is a good organization and everything should be done from the heart and properly, and not just for the sake to be done. You can’t back out once you’ve begun something.

– What do you consider your main achievement as the head of “Dreptul de a fi”?

– The most important thing is that with our help, children received devices that suit them. After all, it happens that the needy are given a wheelchair, without taking into account the specific state of the child and his needs, without knowing which should be the size. And it turns out that there is a wheelchair, but it does not fit the child. And how it will make his life easier? As for us, we came, measured, found out needs and looked for a wheelchair suitable for any particular case. When they received it, both children and moms were happy. I understood that our efforts were not in vain.

– Your husband, son and daughter-in-law take an active part in your organization. How do you distribute responsibilities?

– Everyone is ready to do something. If there are some organizational issues the one who is free at the moment solve them. If it necessary to “beg” – goes the one who has time for that.

 “To beg” means to go to sponsors, I understand correctly?

– It is an ugly word. But that was exactly what they said to me: “What are you walking and begging?” After such meetings I returned home and cried in desperation. Now it’s in the past. I am calm about this. Let them call our appeal for help as they want, the main thing is the result.

– What are difficulties the most often encountered?

–  Absence of volunteers who could help our children to move, would participate in organizing events or visit our beneficiaries at home, walk and talk with them.

– There is an opinion that the best leaders are men. Is that true? And what qualities should posses a leader?

– No, it doesn’t matter who is the leader – a man or a woman. The main thing that should be – is dedication, strength of character and desire to really change something.

Source: esp.md